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Broadway in Detroit

Fisher Theatre Self-Guided Backstage Tour Stop 3

The next stop on our self-guided tour is our under-stage “Cross-Over” area.

This space houses wardrobe, hair, makeup, and a small workshop for our props and carpentry departments. Because the costumes, hair, and makeup live down here during a show, this is also where a lot of quick changes take place! Learn more about Wardrobe at the next stop.

If you look to your left, you will also see a small workbench area. While we do not build the set here, we do have a work area in case things need to be fixed or modified once they are in our space. This area is run by our department heads and local crew members. Our crew members are all part of the Local Stagehands Union – IATSE Local 38.  In order to keep the tight schedules to load shows in and out (5 to 10 Hours) AND to do it safely for everyone involved, The Fisher Theatre is proud to partner with IATSE.  If there is a top notch show in Detroit, you can be sure that Local 38 will be responsible for putting that show up and doing it safely.  To learn more about Local 38 click HERE.

Slat walls and sets with blue light shining down from above.

Click the photo above to watch a walk backstage seeing our stagehands working with the crew for Les Miserables during the show's 2010 load-in at the Fisher Theatre. This is one of our most popular YouTube videos.

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