Fisher Parking Structure Instructions
Instructions for the Fisher Parking Structure on West Grand Boulevard
If you park in the Fisher Building Surface Lot off of 3rd Street, inside the Fisher Building with a Premium Parking Pass, or off-site on your own, these procedures will not apply.
The following applies when parking in the Fisher Parking Structure.
If you choose to park in the Fisher Building Surface Lot, use the entrance on Third Street between W Grand Blvd and Lothrop. If you are a Premium Subscriber with a pass to the Fisher Building's internal garage, please park in that garage by using the entrance on Lothrop and your parking pass. The instructions below ONLY apply to guest who choose to park in the Fisher Parking Structure on West Grand Boulevard using the entrance on West Grand Boulevard next to the Fisher Building.
Broadway In Detroit includes the cost of parking with your ticket to a Fisher Theatre event. If you park in the Fisher Parking Structure on West Grand Boulevard, you will need to register your vehicle with Metropolis Parking and follow the instructions below to claim your $0 parking validation.
Pre-registering will make your visit significantly smoother and easier prior to the show.
To PRE-REGISTER VISIT: www.metropolis.io/join
To register your vehicle, you will need your license plate number, cell phone number, and a credit card. Once you complete this step, you do not need to select the parking structure. Your account has been created. While Broadway in Detroit covers the cost of your parking for Fisher Theatre events, Metropolis operates many parking garages in metro Detroit and a credit card is required to set up an account with them. Your credit card will not be charged for your Fisher Theatre visit if you follow the steps below.
Once registered, when your vehicle drives into the Parking Structure, you will receive a text message with a link to validate your parking session. Click the link in the text message and follow the directions to validate.
Once inside the Fisher theatre, locate the tall "Validate Your Garage Parking Here" pull-up banner. Click the link from your text message and scan the QR code on the banner to validate your parking. You will receive confirmation from Metropolis Parking that your session has been validated for $0.
If you need any assistance, please see an usher and have your license plate information ready.
You only have to register your vehicle ONCE. After you have created a Metropolis account, anytime you drive into the Fisher Parking Structure, you will receive a text message starting your parking session. If it is for a Fisher Theatre show, you’ll follow the instructions above to validate.
When you leave the garage, the system will send you confirmation that your session has ended.
PLEASE NOTE: If you register your vehicle and fail to scan the Fisher QR Code, you will be charged the posted parking rate for your session. If you fail to register your vehicle, you will receive a bill in the mail from Metropolis Parking. Broadway In Detroit is not responsible for failure to follow these procedures when attending a Fisher Theatre performance.
Fisher Theatre Parking Validation is valid for SIX HOURS.
If you leave your car in the garage after the show, you may be charged for any parking exceeding six hours after you enter the structure.
Watch a video demonstrating how easy it is to validate your parking if you have your vehicle registered BEFORE you arrive at the theatre.
How to Validate Parking in the Fisher Parking Garage on West Grand Boulevard.